
Embracing Unexpected Challenges & Unforeseen Adventure: Chris Schotz's Red Granite Grinder Recap

Embracing Unexpected Challenges & Unforeseen Adventure: Chris Schotz's Red Granite Grinder Recap

Chris Schotz explains the unpredictable, because everything is what you’re going to get at the Red Granite Grinder.

Embark on an Unforgettable Biking Adventure at the 2023 Red Granite Grinder in Wausau, Wisconsin

Embark on an Unforgettable Biking Adventure at the 2023 Red Granite Grinder in Wausau, Wisconsin

Riders prepare to embark on an extraordinary adventure that transcends the ordinary and immerses them in the breathtaking beauty of Wisconsin's fall countryside. The 2023 Red Granite Grinder, slated for October 14th in Wausau, Wisconsin, promises to be more than just a race; it's an epic adventure taking riders to several areas open to bikers exclusively through this event.