Then vs. now
This is my first ultra since having a family and with it has come many changes, particularly shifting my priorities in life. Here’s a sampling:
Then: Plan out my yearly, weekly, and daily workout schedule.
Now: Plan out my family’s daily and weekly schedule.
Then: Get in one or two 2+ hour workouts per week.
Now: Try to get a 2+ hr nap for my youngest two children so I can get housework done.
Then: I put in my biggest training days on the weekends.
Now: I spend the weekend to get caught up on housework and cook meals for the week.
Then: I take my pulse every morning to ensure adequate recovery.
Now: I ask my children every morning if they had a good night’s sleep.
Even though my training priorities have shifted, I wouldn’t go back.
Has life changed the way you approach training / racing? Please share them below
The long road of motherhood puts training / racing in perspective.