Featured ski - Nine Mile Cookie Trail

Featured ski - Nine Mile Cookie Trail

The Cookie Trail is well marked just like the other loops at Nine Mile.

The Cookie Trail is well marked just like the other loops at Nine Mile.

Recently, I skied the Cookie Trail with my oldest child for the very first time. Even though I’ve skied on the Cookie Trail many times, this was my first time skiing it as the “Cookie Trail” - so I had to make sure I read the directions on how to claim the prize!

If you’ve skied at Nine Mile but you don’t have a little one, there’s a good chance you skied the Cookie Trail too at Nine Mile. The Cookie Trail is part of the 6.3k of lit trails at Nine Mile (which means you can do day or night!). If this doesn’t seem like a challenge for you, read one of my earlier post on the 6k ski trail at Nine Mile.

Pulling the punch out of the mailbox.

Pulling the punch out of the mailbox.


This was my daughter’s first time at Nine Mile for the year so I wasn’t sure how the 2.7k Cookie Trail would go. After stopping in the chalet to collect the punch card, we paused for a picture then departed. In addition to collecting the punch card in the chalet, you can get rentals for equipment for you and your child (and a ski pass for you - kids under 12 ski free.)

As insurance, I dragged a sled with me to make sure we got back to the chalet in one piece. It helped that we met a classmate of my daughter’s shortly after departing that was finishing up the Cookie Trail. Now she (and I) had the confidence this odyssey was achievable for a five year old.

My job

Quack! Quack! Walking like a duck on the uphills.

Quack! Quack! Walking like a duck on the uphills.

I’ve noticed several of the mailboxes along the route before, but never paid much attention to them. In each of the six mailboxes was a unique punch to prove we skied the route. My job was to punch the card - her little hands couldn’t quite grip the punch. I was qualified for this since my role during adventure races for Rib Mountain Racing is also punching the passport!

I was pleased to realize that we didn’t have to ski far between the mailboxes before we sighted the next one. This was great motivation for my little one.

What goes up, must go down

My five year old really had to stretch to reach this mailbox!

My five year old really had to stretch to reach this mailbox!

I wasn’t sure how the uphills, or for that matter, the downhills would go. Since this is the farthest she has skied, she hasn’t seen much terrain. I had talked her through the downhills on the drive to the trails. The last thing I wanted was for her to get intimidated standing on top of the hill, and not having any fun going down. Or worse yet, refusing to go down at all! And let’s face it, we’ve all been there - in a situation we were “deer in the headlights” due to lack of mental preparation - but not today!

Turns out the downhills were her favorite part. Whew! In fact, the bigger the better…which left her “hungry” to tackle the Cookie Trail again (pun intended!)

Claiming the prize

My daughter beamed as she nibbled up her prize!

My daughter beamed as she nibbled up her prize!

It took us 70 minutes to ski 2.7k (just over 1.5 miles), leaving us room for improvement. Even though my daughter fell between 50 and 100 times, she kept a great attitude - which I attribute to the prize at hand. She beamed as she picked out her cookie and nibbled them up. And I beamed too - as this is the farthest she has skied and opens a whole new world of adventures to come!

If you have a little one that doesn’t know how to ski, join the Wausau Nordic Ski Club and take up the free kids ski lessons at Nine Mile County Forest. The county even waives equipment rental fees for participants to help introduce the next generation to skiing!
