Although I’ve been to Rib Mountain State Park countless times, I’m just floored at this gem in our backyard. I had the pleasure of a great snowshoe hike with numerous view points on this hour long hike.
Featured ski - Nine Mile Cookie Trail
The Far Side of the River - Discovering Grandfather Falls
Climbing for a Cause - Everesting
Featured ski - Nine Mile 6k loop
Featured ski - Leo's Loop and the John Howard Memorial Trail
Although many skiers consider the Birkie the end of the ski season, I find the door wide open for many ski adventures. I venture with my daughter for her first big adventure on the trails beyond the Cookie Trail at Nine Mile County Forest.
Red Granite Grinder 144 race report - Stan Prutz
Hike to the Rib Mountain Quarry - Wausau Mama
Parks, Trails and Picnics
The Wausau Allure
Adventuring to Rib Mountain State Park
With no plans on a gorgeous day, I convinced my children to take part in a major adventure - departing from our house and summitting to the top of Rib Mountain State Park, once considered the highest point in Wisconsin, and back.
Featured bike path - Trillium Trail
Featured trails: Sylvan Hill
Rediscovering Wausau on Water
Featured trails: Ringle mountain bike trails
Over the River and Through the Woods to the Eau Claire River Trail
I have to admit, I didn’t even know about the Eau Claire River Trail until a couple of weeks ago. But I immediately put it on my ride list - little did I know about all the other things I’d discover on this ride!
Featured bike path - 51/29 and Hwy R Loop
It’s the time of the year it seems like people come out of the woodwork on beautiful, sunny, days and with the Safer at Home order, today was no exception on the 51/29 and Hwy R loop.