Adventuring to Rib Mountain State Park
Using the area’s bike & pedestrian accommodations to reach the base of Rib Mountain. Note the tower in the distance was our final destination.
With no plans on a gorgeous day, I convinced my children to take part in a major adventure - departing from our house and summitting to the top of Rib Mountain State Park, once considered the highest point in Wisconsin, and back.
Load and go
I pushed the jogger with my younger daughter and enough snacks, water, and gear for a four-plus hour outing while my older daughter biked alongside us until reaching the base of Rib Mountain. I pointed out the tower as the landmark destination that we would be reaching which seemed ever so distant.
Taste of bushwhacking
My children try to find the Yellow Trail as we bushwhack through the woods.
Upon reaching the base of Rib Mountain, we ditched the bike and did a little bushwhacking to the Yellow Trail. Since I was struggling to negotiate over all the rocks, roots, and even downed trees, I asked my other daughter to hike rather than ride in the jogger. I laughed when she turned around and innocently asked where - since there was no trail. Welcome to bushwhacking!
Ascending Rib Mountain
I knew it would be a leg and lung bursting ascent to the top. I didn’t want either child to be spent this early (plus it made it a more challenging workout!), so I offered to push them both. I couldn’t have fathomed the fatigue my arms experienced as I took one slow step forward at a time. I just hoped my legs wouldn’t give out and send me tumbling back down. I wonder if my older daughter sensed me struggling as she happily offered to walk under her own power.
On our first small downhill my younger daughter put her hands up yelling “Roastercoaster!” more in the language of giggle versus English. I couldn’t wait until the ride back home. It’s amazing the inertia pushing the jogger has on amplifying both the uphills and downhills.
Final Ascent
Seconds later on the next uphill, the second daughter excitedly jumped out of the cart when she saw the opportunity to run across a small bridge. I was grateful for a bit of reprieve. Turns out they would go the rest of the way on their own power. Things I never would have imagined seemed to have magical powers - for instance, they were extremely excited when they saw some pavers on the trail. Knowing the steepest part was yet to come, I didn’t care what kept them motivated to keep up the pace. As we turned up the final ascent, I gladly accommodated the request for a break on the inviting park bench. I only had the opportunity to complement both of them before they sprung back up and darted up the trail - my heart rate never got the chance to fully recover. Before I knew it, my younger daughter was 30 feet ahead of me, spewing energy that also energized me - and soon we had all reached the top.
Priceless view
As we reached the amphitheater, my kids once again bolted as if exploding out of a canon - this time in amazement of the view. They took it all in as I identified places that they could identify with (where we got flu shots last weekend, our church, and where we took a boat ride earlier this summer).
My kids weren’t even disappointed when the park was closed. Instead, climbing on some rocks near the amphitheater as we waited for extended family to meet up with us more than made up with it.
As we sought out more bouldering, there were no shortage of opportunities. In fact, so many we never even made it to the most popular place - Queen’s Chair. I bet they could have spent hours climbing on all the rocks. Plus we got an impromptu snowball fight! But eventually we had to make the trip back.
It’s all downhill from here
Each child was thrilled to be heading home as it meant time for more rollercoaster as they only got a taste so far. It was priceless as the girls clung to each other projecting a mix of screams and giggles as we flew down the trail. If only I could have captured the moment on video, but I didn’t dare as I white knuckled the handle with the safety strap secured on my wrist. I was just happy to know I had a quality Chariot jogger that could handle the mix of speed and bumps with my heavy, yet precious load.
As I made a few tight corners, I found my body completely tangential to the jogger. As I made the critical foot plant on the turn, I just hoped my foot wouldn’t slip and I could keep both wheels on the ground. What a thrill!
Love for peanut butter
Several hours into our adventure, I wasn’t sure if we’d have a rough return route. On the way out, they had some carrots while bouldering at the top, now I just had leftovers for a late lunch to motivate them. But my children once again surprised me. Although we had slowed, we still kept steady progress - except for the two requested stops for peanut butter “to get more energy.” Good thing we brought a whole jar of peanut butter. Who would have thought that the child that was repulsed by the smell of peanut butter now suddenly would request it as a road side pick-me-up which now seemed to also hold magical powers?! Then, when we reported back to her father, she declared that she now loves peanut butter.
Pushing the envelope
Any concerns that I pushed my children too far were quickly erased. Not only did we skip rest time and spend the duration of the day outside, piling wood and partaking in races around the yard, but yet again I was stunned. As my oldest steadily pedaled to climb our final hill of the day (fueled by the magical peanut butter) we approached our driveway and my younger child spontaneously hopped out of the jogger and bolted ahead one final time exclaiming, “I still have lots of energy!” If only I could bottle it up!
Related links
Who needs a playground when we can boulder!
Winding up for a snowball - one of the highlights of the day.
Big sister helping out little sister while bouldering.
Reaching our destination - to the tower we eyed up miles earlier.