Field is limited for the 144 mile (due to property permissions). You will be waitlisted if field is full. Waitlisted 144 mile riders are guaranteed into 85 mile and refunded difference in registration price if unable to get into 144 mile, if desired.
To encourage family participation, all 12 mile registered participants under age 18 are free and receive a free meal & drink ticket! Any gravel registrant (if done by 3 pm) may also do the 12 mile route with friends or family for free.
Racers and volunteers get free meal and a free beverage (beer only if over 21) and spectators / crew can buy meals onsite.
What’s included to racers:
-Adventurous course on red gold to numerous private properties during peak fall colors
-Finisher award
-T-shirt (before t-shirt deadline), pint glass, or to reduce carbon footprint give $5 to tree planting
-Drink ticket
-Post-race meal
-Race photo downloads
-Drop bag transport (85 and 144 mile racers)
-Live trackers (144 mile only with optional add-on for other racers)
-Free women's skills clinic (pre-registration required)
Awards for the following:
Custom finisher award to everyone who completes the route including all those in the recreational ride
Overall and age group awards
Unclaimed awards will not be mailed.
IRONBULL, Inc. is a local, not-for-profit organization with goals to support local clubs / organizations and invest in infrastructure for adventure sports in Central Wisconsin.
Registration and transaction fees are nonrefundable, including in the event of extreme weather or cancellation.
Registration may be transferred to another person or another event for a $20 fee up to 1 week prior to the event.
The IRONBULL Red Granite Grinder races will take place rain or shine or snow and only will be canceled if racer safety may be compromised.